Sunday, September 8, 2013

How Sad

How very, VERY Sad.

Now as most of you know, I have been entertaining a GUEST recently. Dear Sanna. Her Bird Brained Bitch Buddy was pissed, but no worries. She never once interfered... Which is exactly what it so Sad.

Now most, if not all, of you are readers of both MY blog and Sanna's. Therefore I find it REALLY curious that none of you made ANY EFFORT to rescue her. Not a SINGLE attempt. Oh sure, a few of you made some NOISE like you were going to, but I had her for days. There is simply NO EXCUSE for such... What is it... Laziness? Or is it Apathy? I can imagine it now... You stupid, selfish fucks sitting at your computers saying "Oh. That's terrible." and then going about your day. None of you cared. Deep, deep down... It just wasn't your problem. So what if someone of you make claims about being Sanna's friend. You didn't sign up to go on RESCUE MISSIONS. Let somebody else do it.

But of course. None of you will bother accepting blame. I mean... It was ME who kidnapped her after all. It was me who tortured her... It was Me who... Heheheheheh. How can you be to blame for this? Well answer me this. If you know a tragedy is occurring and you have the power to stop it, or at least try... And you decide to do nothing. What does that make you? Especially if the one in danger is a friend. Or. "Friend" in this case. You know the kind. You all are the friends that hang around so long as conditions are right. If something goes wrong... "You are on your own." Right?

Some of you don't even have cowardice to blame. Jack, even in his diminished form, is still higher that me on the Power Level Totem Pole. Did you know that no one even called the Police? No reported Sanna missing. No one reported Sanna had been kidnapped. Do you know what that says to me? You don't care. None of you cared. You may claim otherwise until the day the life is strangled from you... But this even proves it without a shadow of a doubt. Cowards, Monsters.


I am sure this will give Sanna something to think about when she gets out of the hospital. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Because you know who IS NOT A COWARD? FUCKING KELEVRA! HAHAHAHAHAHA. That fucking PSYCHOPATH. The MASS MURDERER. A Dyed in wool MONSTER like me... He was the only one who gave enough of a shit to DO ANYTHING. Isn't that FUNNY? Isn't that just fucking HYSTERICAL?

I tell you... If Sanity makes one so without care and so cowardly... It is overrated. Kelevra just popped in, we had a little chat, and Sanna walked free that day. Seems pretty clear to me who she can rely on around here. Human are social animals... You can't just rely on yourself. That is what friends, REAL friends, are for. A life lesson I hope Sanna learned well. I know I opened her mind to all sorts of possibilities in that warehouse. Those scars I left her, will be a constant reminder of the truth. In her darkest hour, those who professed friendship and love for her decided to leave her to die. To die screaming and in pain at the hands of a known Cannibal and skilled torturer. All her friends but one. Kelevra. And for that I applaud him.

I guarantee you, one of these days, Sanna is going to thank me for allowing her to learn this crucial lesson in life.


  1. YAY! :3 Now I get to kill her! Thank you Mr Cannibal!

    Teehee. :3 I guess I'm going to scope out Berlin hospitals. Hey, runners, this is your chance to redeem yourselves....

    Just kidding, Starryboy's right. You're all selfish fucks. Haaaa. Or maybe you'll tell Kelevra to go save her so you don't have to bother.

    1. And what'd you do besides bitch? You went on and on about how she was yours to kill but you didn't do anything either you're just as pathetic. Hell, maybe more. Some us couldn't help because of lack of fast travel, unusual circumstances, or different dimensions. You on the other hand were there when Hikaru took her and could easily find him with your damn birds, so I'll say this again shhhh.

      Since I know you'll check this blog I want to say, Sanna I'm glad you made it out(knew you could), and thanks Kelevra for talking to Hikaru.

    2. Honey. I don't claim to be her friend, not anymore. You do. That's the difference. And I wanted her to die. That would have been the end result, and I would've been A-OK with that! Why do I act like I wouldn't be? Psh. Well. I'm spoiled. :3

      Seriously, you didn't even call the police?

    3. Bill Coyote CipheriusSeptember 8, 2013 at 3:19 PM

      Why call the police? Could they even do anything? An entire police squad versus Mr. Star.....that's just unfair for the police.

    4. And... You missed the entire point, but I knew you would so whatever.

      Why didn't I call the police? Eldritch bullshit, but that's another story suffice to say I'm lucky I've got Internet access. Why didn't others well I can't speak for all of them, but they can't always be trusted because of proxy infiltration.

  2. Bill Coyote CipheriusSeptember 8, 2013 at 3:10 PM

    Wonderful Mr. Star, wonderful! Show the how selfish, pitiful, and useless they are!

    That means you Jeremiah.

    1. Bill Coyote CipheriusSeptember 8, 2013 at 6:15 PM

      Aww. But why? You are pretty useless. What have you done for any of the people you converse with? You make files out of them, that's akin to stalking.

      What about your sisters, what did they think of you, taking their brother's life from him and them?

      That's the selfish part.

    2. Bill Coyote CipheriusSeptember 8, 2013 at 7:00 PM

      Oh look! You got so mad you forgot your signature. Shut up? How bout no, Savvy? You know the pitiful part?

      You will NEVER know what your family's final words were. JP denied you that.

      Not to mention you can't get over her. It's just sad now really!


      UH....What just happened?


  3. I'll tell you what that makes us.

    It makes us bystanders.

    I wish I would have helped her.

  4. I'm very happy we could come to an agreement Morny, VERY happy.

    Now lets see how the gears turn.

  5. You bastard. You know as well as I do that my hands were tied.

    1. Also 'diminished', are you seriously asking for me to pay YOU a visit? Because I will. Right now, I'm keeping watch at the hospital. Any of you come near, and you will wish you were dead.

    2. Your hands are NEVER tied. That is what is so great about you. Unlike all the rest of us, with all your power and intelligence... You are not bound by rules. You are the Wild Card.

      Still. Good to know you haven't changed as much as you claim. Still on the sidelines, ultimately.

    3. 'Never'? I'd have to disagree. Either I get threatened with valid threats when I stray from the 'sidelines', yet when I stay neutral everyone blames me. Enough is enough. She is under my protection as of this moment. Whether she like it or not. And before any threats come in, I will ask for a payment afterwards.

    4. Oh Jack. You know you can't force someone into a deal. You cannot protect her unless she agrees to it.

      I have a suspicion that she won't. Heheheheheh. Besides, I think she already has a Guardian Angel.


      YOU'LL HURT ME GOAWAY GO AWAY deals... trades LIES you'll only take and take they all do

    6. Yo Jack, why not get someone to give you a tenner to do whatever you want?

    7. Actually that's what happened. I was contacted by someone else to protect her.

      And Sanna, he's the liar. Morningstar can not be trusted. You know me. -- Jack

    8. who contacted you??? What do they WANT from me? morningstar took all there was THERE IS NOTHING HERE FOR THEM I SHOULd be DEAD

    9. They obviously disagree. -- Jack

  6. ......kelevra WHY DIDNDT YOu KILL ME??? I died so many times AGAIN AND AGAIN HE JUST DIDN'T STOP

    1. Oh Minxie, why didn't I kill you?

      Why, the main reason is because so much progress would go to waste, that would be a pity, to simply lose all of it in one swift moment.

      A minor reason, is of course, because we're friends.

    2. friends? we are still friends..... friends. i trust you.. when will the pain stop?

    3. Sanna, unfortunately, the pain won't stop until you die or become a cold-hearted, unfeeling person.

    4. That wouldn't make the pain stop, steve. When you go numb, that's when the real permanent damage starts to set in.

    5. Five or six days straight of being tortured by Morningstar, and the permanent damage has been done. :3

    6. You'd be amazed at what you can recover from before you loose all sensation.

  7. Fuck... I really need to start reading that blog...

  8. I would have helped if I had known.
